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More collateral damage. This time during a sting where SWAT was raiding a house to arrest someone suspected of having “illegal images”.

Corruption runs deep. At least with technology many are becoming aware of this. But sadly to often used for political purposes instead of honest debate and fair reform. But there are some who are open to that and so we must not loose faith and be the drivers of it when we can.

So, based on what I have seen, it would appear that…
* The police drastically overestimated the danger to their officers with regards to this search warrant.
• The search was not in regards to a violent crime
• None of the residents had criminal records

There seems to be no legitimate reason to think this warrant would involve violent response from the residents. If this warrant, under thee circumstances, call for SWAT team involvement, what warrant doesn’t? Do they always use SWAT, and if not always, why this one?

* The Police account of being confronted by an armed man the moment the entered dose not seem to match the presence of blood under the couch. Also, where was the couch cushions? I can’t imagine that this man prefers to sleep on a couch with no cushions, when he had a bedroom with a bed. Why take it away, unless it was to hide something… bullet holes? More blood? Powder burns?

Powder burns could suggest execution style shooting. Powder burns only occurs when the muzzle of the weapon is close enough to a surface that the unburnt propellant (gun powder) is flung from the muzzle and embeds in a surface. Shoot at a couch cushion from just a few feet away…no powder burns…you have to get close. A cushion laying on a couch? Standing over the cushion, muzzle pointed downard…and very close to the cushion…. execution style.

I have no evidence that anything is being hid, much less that. I am however curious as to where the cushion is, and why is was removed, and how the puddle of blood ended up under the couch. Also, if they did kill the Nephew on the couch…why?
Mistook him for the 311 Uncle?
He objected to them being there so much….?
Saw something he can’t live through?
Personal reasons?

If he wasn’t attacking them at the door with a hammer, but was in fact asleep on the couch…why kill him? He didn’t pull a gun on them, because if he did, why lie about that? Why say he attacked you at the door with a hammer, when in fact he pulled a gun on them while lying on the couch? That story not only has the advantage of being true, it’s a better reason for shooting him. Why tell a bad lie when you can tell a great truth? How stupid you gotta be?

So if he was killed on the couch, this is murder plain and simple.

That’s another thing we all stress over. Not only do we have to worry about vigilantes , we have to assume our front door is gonna be kicked in and flash-banged at any moment.

The thuggery we have to tolerate surpasses any Jan 6er’s grievances.

Just found this clip… Disturbing the absolute lack of remorse. These are the dangers that anyone forced to carry this label face each and every day.

And I’m sure there are people out there who are applauding this psycho.

This poor guy won’t be driving coal trucks anytime soon. This is almost a repeat of the Breonna Taylor incident, except that she lost her life. The WV man was lucky that those monkeys 🐒didn’t put a bullet in his head. Hopefully he’ll get a payday, but who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️ how long that slow 🐢 process will take.